Labour Support

From Bump to Baby – My Perfect mamaTENS Birth Story (2023)

by Claire Smith After hearing so many positive birth stories with using TENS, from mums and midwives, I felt reassured knowing I had my perfect mamaTens machine ready and waiting. […]
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Perfect Mama TENS – A Labour Lifesaver (update 2023)

Hey there Mamas! My name is Serena and I just gave birth to my first child, a beautiful little boy, 4 weeks ago, and I wanted to introduce you to the Perfect Mama TENS machine! Maybe you’re all made of stronger stuff than I am but I was straight up terrified of giving birth throughout most of my first and second trimester. By the time the third trimester rolled around, I was merely extremely nervous about labour (thank goodness for prenatal classes and kind sisters who told me their birth stories). It was at this point that I was told about TENS machines specifically designed for labour, which completely changed my whole labour experience and helped me deliver the sweetest Christmas present ever!

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Breastfeeding support and Information

How a Feeding Schedule Develops (2023)

The Public Health Agency of Canada recently released guidelines to help breastfeeding mothers. One of their recommendations is instead of timing feeds by the clock, look for signs from your baby. Many people think crying is a sign, it is, but crying happens after they have given the other signs and are now upset. Often, you’ll need to calm the baby down before it is ready to feed.

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Skin-to-Skin and What It Can Do for Breastfeeding (2023)

Being skin-to-skin encourages breastfeeding because it wakes up your baby’s feeding reflexes and helps the mother’s body begin to make milk. A newborn is often awake and ready to feed in the first hour after birth. Studies have shown that skin-to-skin contact also calms the baby by reducing stress hormones which in turn decreases crying. Skin-to-skin time has also shown to reduce postpartum depression.

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Beauty and the Beast (wrinkles!)

Beauty and the Beast (wrinkles!) Plastic surgeries, lasers, chemical peels – there are millions of procedures people undergo to hide the signs of aging. As a rule, they are pretty […]

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Breastfeeding support and Information

Vacationing and Pumping

Vacationing and Pumping Taking your first vacation away from your little one? You may have questions about how to keep up your milk supply while you are away. Here are […]

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