Breastfeeding Information

Breastfeeding Q&A
Before and after birth, many mothers are curious about breastfeeding. Here are answers to some common questions.

Storing and Handling Mother’s Milk
Your milk is important for your baby’s nutrition and health. By expressing milk, you can continue to give these precious gifts to your baby.

Sore Nipples & Engorgements
Tender nipples and breasts can occur during the early weeks of breastfeeding. Here are some ways to increase your comfort so you can enjoy this time more.

Mastitis and Thrush
Mastitis is an inflammed or swollen area of the breast. Thearea may be infected with bacteria. Your breast may be red,hot and hard.

Making the Most of Your Breast Pump
First read your breast pump instructions. Find a quiet, comfortable place to sit. Take a drink and snack with you. Make sure your pump is plugged in or has working […]

Diet and Breast-feeding
The key is to eat a variety of healthy foods and not eat too much of one thing.

Dads & Breastfeeding
The first weeks after having a baby can be both excitingand overwhelming – you are all learning a lot, includinghow to breastfeed.

Choosing A Breast Pump
Mothers pump milk for many reasons.Pumping provides milk for feedings when you’re away. Itbuilds milk production if your baby does not feed well or isnot yet breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding the Preterm Baby
Your milk is the one thing only you can give your baby.Preterm babies who don’t receive their mother’s milk mayget sick more often and more severely.

Reaching Full Milk Production with a Breast Pump
Reacin Q&A format, Ameda provides answers to common questions about breast pumping and milk production and offers advice on how to use a breast pump to stimulate milk production.

Working and Breastfeeding
A guide for the working and breastfeeding mothers with advice about how much milk to pump based on age, as well as milk storage and tips to make pumping at […]

How Your Breasts Make Milk
A detailed scientific and biological look at milk production including the effects of hormones on milk production and the milk ejection reflex.